This weekend I went to the movies with one of my friends. It had been awhile since I had been to the movies. The last time I went the price was around $9-$10. Last night the price was $11! I couldn't believe how expensive my ticket was. When she told me the price, I felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my socket! I had also gotten gas at the beginning of the day. By that time I had spent over $30. This didn't even count dinner, which blows my mind. I know that the economy is horrible right now but $11 for a movie is ridiculous! Especially if a whole family went to the movies together, that would be at $50 total and if you bought food at the concession stand, you could spend over $100 in a couple of hours.
When I received my debit card I looked at money a lot differently than I used to because instead of it being my mom's money it was the money I earned. So, the value of the money that I have looks a lot different. Especially because I do not have that much at all therefore I need to use it wisely. I started to write down the things I was spending my card with and it didn't make any sense. So I started to cut back on what I was buying and if I didn't need it right then and there, than I won't get it. I also needed to do this soon before I would start spending money that I knew I didn't have.
Now I understand why my mom is not a fan of using credit cards. She uses debit more than credit. I have also learned that money is not something you messed around with. One minute you may all the money in the world. But if you don't keep up with what you're spending and spending it on unnecessary things, it will be gone before you know it.
14 years ago
What a great lesson to learn now. Trust me...debit cards are a wonderful way to keep yourself on track.